
Showing posts from May, 2019

Breakin' Macon

The last segment of Angry Black White Boy , chapter 10 through the end of book III, is about the failure and collapse of Macon Everett Detornay. Or perhaps, it's the resurgence of Macon Everett Detornay after Macon's previous experiences and attempts made as The Franchise. The start of Macon's fall is during the Day of Apology. After the Columbia Police shepherd most of the attendees out of the way, leaving only the uninformed, the ones who were in it for the free lunch, and the guilt-laden. Macon tries to engage them, expecting that they are open to receive his message, but he fails, and is left totally speechless for the first time in the whole book. He storms off to one of the bathrooms in a huff, and Andre and Nique are left to try and salvage the Day. Meanwhile, outside, the situation has degenerated. People critical of the aims and potential outcomes of the Day, people disappointed with the lackluster results, people who just wanted the T-shirt turn the situation ...